A few weeks ago I launched the Armor Up Challenge to accompany Nava and I’s Full Armor of God eBook! It was a 6 week challenge containing in-depth encouragement for each armor piece. As a fun little freebie, we also sent out a free custom wallpaper for your phone, intentionally designed to help memorize scripture and remind you to meditate on that piece of armor every time you reached for your phone.
Now that the challenge is officially over, this blog post will serve as a permanent home for the challenge emails and free lockscreens for anyone who may have missed it!
Be blessed!!
xoxo, Milena
The Belt of Truth
“Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth.” Ephesians 6:14
The Truth of God’s Word needs to be our foundation in all things. The belt is the first piece of armor mentioned because 1- it’s where we store our weapons and 2- it holds everything together. When we fasten the Belt of Truth around us, we have laid the foundation to perceive the Truth that comes from God and then walk in it, letting it be our guide as we navigate this world. As women, our emotions can deceive us. It’s tempting to allow what we feel to become what we believe. This is why the Truth is essential. When we know the Truth and allow that to be the lens through which we see everything– it becomes our steady constant in a world full of lies.
Pray this prayer with me:
Today I fasten on the Belt of Truth. I choose to allow the Word of God to be my foundation. Lord, please help me to see everything as You see it. Please equip me to live out Your Truth today and everyday. In Jesus name, amen.
The Breastplate of Righteousness
In traditional battle armor, the breastplate is absolutely crucial. It protects vital organs like the heart and lungs from life-threatening blows. As believers, our righteousness in Christ is the protection of our innermost being. To be righteous is to be right in the eyes of God. Once we place our faith in Jesus and His finished work of the Cross, God views us in the righteousness of Jesus because HE was the One who stood in our place and defeated sin once and for all. Walking in righteousness and obedience to God’s Word is the very thing that will protect us from attacks and strongholds of the enemy. Now ladies, I want to encourage you that regardless of what you might’ve done in the past, or maybe even this morning– you are NOT disqualified from the breastplate of righteousness. Together let’s repent and receive the righteousness of God as a breastplate of protection.
Pray this prayer with me:
Lord, please forgive me. I repent of everything I’ve ever said or done that was not pleasing and honoring to You. Please create in me a new heart and renew my mind. Help me, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, to walk in righteousness and obedience to You and Your Word. Thank You for Your protection. Thank You for Your guidance. I put my faith in You alone. In Jesus name, amen.
The Gospel of Peace
“and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.” Ephesians 6:15
Ephesians 6:15 reads…the readiness given by the gospel of peace. Are you ready to give the gospel in any moment without hesitation as to who’s looking or who’s listening? As believers, the power of the Holy Spirit equips us to be ready to share the gospel at all times. This gospel truth provides peace with every step as we walk in truth and trust in the power of God. We don’t have to overthink or over complicate it. He’s not looking for perfect people, He’s searching for people who are willing. Ladies, may we be willing to give our all for the gospel everyday. May we be women who are marked by peace as we step out longing to see God’s kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.
Pray with me:
Jesus, thank You for Your sacrifice. Without You, there is no gospel. Without your blood there is no atonement for our sins. Please equip me to walk in peace and to spread the Good News of the Gospel everywhere I go. Open my eyes to behold all of the opportunities to share the Gospel with my family, friends, and even strangers. Help me to walk in boldness and confidence. In Jesus name, amen.
The Shield of Faith
“In all circumstances take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.” Ephesians 6:16
I love this piece of armor because a shield has the ability to defend ourselves and others. As wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends we can utilize this shield to cover our loved ones by placing our faith in the Resurrected King, Jesus Christ. Faith is defined in Hebrews 11:1 as the “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see”. Faith is choosing to believe even when we don’t see it, trusting that Jesus is the One who fights for us and with us. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Let’s dedicate this week to meditating on the Shield of Faith and putting it into practice by praying over our families. By speaking life over our children. Ask your girlfriends if they have any prayer requests and set aside time to cover them with your shield of faith. Let’s put our shields up and show the enemy that as God’s daughters we are NOT to be messed with. Absolutely NO weapon formed shall prosper.
Pray with me:
Lord, today I put my faith in You alone. I trust in Your divine protection. I lift my shield of faith to extinguish each and every fiery dart of the enemy. I thank You that no weapon formed against me or my loved ones shall prosper. In Jesus name, amen.
The Helmet of Salvation
“And take the helmet of salvation” Ephesians 6:17
When Satan attacks, he often starts with our minds. Why? Because what we think directly impacts what we believe. The enemy knows that if we allow him to influence our thoughts, it’ll influence our faith, weakening our shield. Then it can even affect the way we perceive the truth of God’s word, dismantling our entire foundation. Each and every armor piece has been strategically placed by our all-knowing and all-powerful God. What protects our minds is our very salvation that comes from the sacrifice of Christ alone. This helmet not only protects our minds, but also transforms our minds to be like Jesus. Paul instructs in Philippians 2:5, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” We have a part to play in letting the mind of Christ be in us– starting with what we’re allowing to enter our minds through what we watch, what we read, and what we listen to. It’s time we get protective over our minds. I encourage you to take inventory of the shows you watch, the music you listen to, and the books you read. Replace each and every one that doesn’t honor God with something that does OR eliminate it all together. Our husbands, children, and families need wives and mothers who possess the mind of Christ. He is willing to give it to you.
Pray with me:
Dear Lord, today I cover my mind with the helmet of salvation. If I have given the enemy any place in my mind through what I’ve read, watched, or listened to I repent.
Today I am choosing to only place pure and honorable things before my eyes and in my ears. Thank you Jesus for Your sacrifice that makes salvation possible, thank You for Your blood that covers my mind from any attacks or influence of the enemy. You are my protection. In Jesus name, amen.
The Sword of the Spirit
“…and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God…” Ephesians 6:17
Hebrews 4:12 states, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to divide soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” The Word of God is alive. The Word of God is powerful. There is truly no enemy that can stand against the Word of God. In Matthew 4 when Satan is tempting Jesus, the ONLY response Jesus gave was the Word of God. When the enemy realized his tactics weren’t working, he fled. Let that story be an example for our own lives. That when the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy we will not only be protected, but armed and ready for battle. The enemy is always plotting and scheming whether we realize it or not. Don’t let your guard down!! Pick up your sword and FIGHT. The Lord God Almighty IS on your side. I urge you mamas to pick up the Word of God and speak it over your children. I urge you wives to declare scripture over your husbands. I urge women everywhere in all walks of life to pray the scriptures over your minds and over your lives to directly pierce the enemy.
Let’s pray:
God, thank you for giving me your word as a weapon. Guide me as I search the scriptures to speak your truth over my life and the lives of those around me. As I seek you today, I ask for wisdom and discernment. Show me which specific scriptures to declare as I fight back against the enemy. I know the victory belongs to you. I cover myself with the full armor of God and trust that the battle has already been won. Thank You, Jesus! In your name I pray, amen.
Download and save these as your new phone wallpaper! Every time you reach for your phone, I pray you’re reminded of the power of God’s Word.
How to save this image:
Phone – hold and press save image
Computer- right click and select save/download image