New Mom Favorites & Gifts

There are so many things I wish I knew becoming a new mom – from what to expect in the first few weeks to the things I would actually use. Being a mom of three, I’ve learned what I love the most and what to gift new moms as they’re getting ready for baby – whether it’s their first or fifth! I’m also sharing the answers to a few of my most-asked questions, like my favorite formula or diaper brand I use!

New Mom Favorites

Feeding & Diapering

Let’s start with the basics! There are so many options for feeding and diapering, and each family definitey has their own personal preference. I’ve learned that the best diapers for my babies are EveryLife. I love that they come in bulk and subscription options, which is so convenient. There are no harsh chemicals in these diapers, either.

For feeding, if I’m not BF, I use Kendamil. I prefer glass bottles over plastic and a natural nipple. Of course, if you’re gifting to a new mom, be sure to send some burp cloths her way – you can never have too many of them. I really like these muslin ones!

Sleeping & Night Accessories

For new moms, there are so many great nighttime gifts you can give! The Hatch is something we’ve used for all my kiddos (it’s great for mamas too!) and we always make sure to have a portable one attached to a sleeping baby’s carseat or stroller. I love that the Hatch is programmable, so you can use it for wake and sleeping windows. You can also change the color or sound, though white noise is our favorite.

All of my babies have slept in Dreamland Baby sleep sacks, and I’m so excited to be able to share a code with you all – “MILENA”. You can easily add them or a zipper or snap footie, so your babies feel extra cozy all night long.

The last thing I’m excited to share about is SnuggleMe. These infant loungers are great for daytime lounging and are easily portable for room-to-room transfer. They’re cozy and the perfect size for babies before they begin rolling over. The covers are ultra soft, too.

If you’re putting some gifts for mama together, don’t forget some nighttime essentials for her! These are great for adding to a new baby basket, and are things that mom will need by her nightstand. The Stanley cup, for keeping cold water all night long, the Laneiage lip mask, and then some baby balm that mom can also enjoy! It pairs perfectly with Primally Pure’s baby soap, too. You can also add in some of nipple balm and silver covers, if mom will be breastfeeding! These are essential, I promise!


Some of my tried and true gear….

The first being the Artipoppe carrier. It’s a quality product, and I’ve used it for three babies so far! It is comfortable and adjustable, but still breathable. It is a splurge, but if you plan to have multiple babies in it, it’s worth every penny.

For newborn, I do love the Doona stroller. It quickly converts from carseat to stroller with the pop of a handle. It’s nice to be able to grab and go when we’re out and about. Plus, there are so many attachments you can add to it – from a backpack for storage to a cup-holder for your drinks.

Piggy-backing off of my first paragraph and peaking of multiple babies, I have loved using this double stroller. It’s another quality product, but more cost-efficient than a lot of those on the market currently. You can fold it easily, which is a big perk when you only have 2 hands to work the walk. I originally purchased the UPPA baby stroller with my first and we have the attachments to make it a double stroller but as my kids have gotten older and taller it’s VERY heavy & it isn’t as comfortable. I find myself reaching for this stroller WAY more than that one. Don’t get me wrong- the UPPAbaby is the PERFECT stroller for 2 under 2 but in this season and the ages the kids are at, this side by side is more functional and practical with all 3! See it in action in this Instagram post!

So there you have it, all of my new mom favorites and essentials! What are your must-haves as a mama?

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